Key skills developed with this program

Graduates from the Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering program will have a high-level qualification, enabling them to assume positions during their professional careers as:

in the field of nuclear energy conversion, fuel production and waste disposal. The interdisciplinary nature of the Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering also allows the graduates to choose careers in the field of conventional and renewable energies. Knowledge of general elements of energy conversion technologies, a strong focus on thermal fluid dynamics and heat transfer arising from the needs of nuclear safety, aspects of mechanical and chemical process technology and advanced issues of material science are very beneficial in many field of technology. Further elements in the portfolio of the graduates are risk assessment methods as well as knowledge concerning detection, transport modeling, the biological effect of ionizing radiation and of radiation protection. These are excellent prerequisites to find the way into fields like radio-biology, medical applications or environmental monitoring.

The graduates will be equipped with the basic knowledge necessary for an activity related to the development of new reactor types, novel fuel technologies and advanced waste disposal methods. Research careers will often start with a doctoral student position at one of the two universities or the Paul Scherrer Institute, or at similar institutions abroad.

and other nuclear installations, under the jurisdiction of safety and licensing authorities. The holders of a Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering will have a deep understanding of nuclear safety technology and culture. They will know the basis of licensing regulations and be familiar with the methods and tools for the safety assessment of nuclear installations. This will enable them to take up careers in national and international nuclear safety organizations.

The graduates should be able to advise governments and international institutions and act as catalysts for society through their competent and multi-faceted approach to energy problems, future challenges and technical and/or organizational opportunities.

Successful completion of the Master's program will also provide graduates with knowledge of methodologies in several different branches of engineering and basic sciences, qualifying them to embark on doctoral student research in these areas as well.

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